Friday 31 August 2007

Decisions , decisions .

Aaron is sleeping . Flat out in his pushchair with its furry lining , tiny lips working in a frenzy to get the last ounce of that bottle he's dreaming of . Eleven months old , and never the most reliable of sleepers , in fact I could probably count the amount of unbroken night's sleep on the fingers of well, one finger . He has been snoring since teatime , despite Tali's best banshee impressions , and my depositing of a saucepanful of boiled potatoes on the kitchen tiles , when the handle came off .

My dilemma is this : Do I bite the bullet and wake him now for a last feed, with no guarantee that he'll be happy about it , and none either that he'll go back to bed for some time ? Or do I curl up on the sofa next to him, grab what sleep I can till he wakes , and then watch all the episodes of 'The Wire' that I have saved for the evenings when Ian is working ? Or even do I not grab some sleep , and stay and play with some new found friends ?

I think I shall let him sleep .


Faith said...

Always a good plan to let babies sleep!He looks like he's concentrating on his dreams!

CAMILLA said...

Ah shuks, let him sleep I think, although if I were there I would just HAVE to cradle him in my arms.
I adore babies, and Aaron is gorgeous.


Cait O'Connor said...

Yes I would let him sleep. I always fed my babies on demand, none of that routine stuff.
I am like Camilla, I just love babies, especially new ones.

Chris Stovell said...

Well, I expect you've sorted it now but, aaahh, how could you wake him? (Mind you, don't expect he has any problems about waking you!).

Fennie said...

Well done. That's what I would have done. He will wake when he's hungry.

(Actually this reminds me of a flight home from Cuba once that took off about midnight. An hour later, when everyone was fast asleep the cabin crew woke us all up for the evening meal. We were furious. No doubt the Politburo had decided that meals were to be served an hour after take-off and Cuba is not the sort of place to allow exceptions!) Let sleeping dogs lie!

Tattieweasle said...

Still going through this dilemma with The Littlest (15 months) it doesn't seemto matter I t4nd to let him lie just in case it's a good night! Thanks for the tips I'm trying to remember them all!!!

Westerwitch/Headmistress said...

I fed on demand too - was very luck though both babies went through the night at a few weeks old. . .

Anonymous said...

Sorry for being incredibly late on reading your lovely blog. Gorgeous photo! I expect you're having just the same problem today as you were when you wrote that blog! I remember those days with Amy. Can't remember what I did though. I think I blanked out those days, in fact I don't know how I got through!

Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. The pony is a Pie Bald - you will obviously know more than I do, I just know they have four hooves and can kick damn hard if you want behind them!

Crystal xx

Exmoorjane said...

Sleep, sleep, sleep!!!!!
I have never forgotten the first day I brought James home from hospital and the next morning i woke to realise i'd had ten hours sleep and he was still slumbering. Typical first-time mother angst - was worried sick and woke him up!! Thereafter he refused to sleep through the night again and even (at nearly nine) isn't reliable!!!!